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  • Spain
  • Episode 03: Jill and Ray who purchased in La Fuente Commercial Centre, Alicante

Episode 03: Jill and Ray who purchased in La Fuente Commercial Centre, Alicante

Kyero team member

Tune in to hear about how Jill and Ray’s lifelong dream of owning a vacation home in Spain was fulfilled when they purchased property in Alicante. They tell us how financial bravery during the 2008 recession was key to finding what they needed. They are quite pleased with the ease of traveling between their home in Cheshire and their vacation property as well as the range of international friends they have waiting for them when they arrive. 

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Episode 03: Jill and Ray who purchased in La Fuente Commercial Centre, Alicante

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Jump to a specific place:

  • How they have great neighbors that watch over their property while they are away
  • How being brave with their finances helped them find their dream property
  • On the lack of language barrier difficulties
  • How Jill and Ray enjoy a diverse community of Spanish, British, and international people in their area as well as plenty of people in their age group
  • What they love most about owning a property in Spain
  • A typical day for Jill and Ray in Spain
  • Advice for people seeking to buy a home in Spain


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  • Martin ADDIS

    22 Jul. 2022

    I am UK retired and about to go permanently mobile in a new motorhome. I’m looking at living in the motorhome, possibly residing on land of a property owner, so as to use basic facilities of power/water etc. in return for maintenance and security of host and nearby properties which require some constant maintenance or upkeep in owners absence. Would also welcome retirement employment for seasonal work or special events where an onsite support facility would assist objectives.
  • dawn at kyero.com

    22 Jul. 2022

    Hello Martin, Thank you for contacting Kyero. Please see the following link for land to rent: When you make an enquiry, the enquiry is sent directly to the advertising estate agent. I hope this helps, please let me know if there is anything else we can do.

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